But that is only my opinion you can always beg to differ with your opinion. When one consume it ticks every sense of disposing, and usually it ends with waste of the act consume. My doctor said that “eat” makes more sense but I have arguably made my statement that “consume” is more powerful and meaningful. Where the translation we’ve read says “consume” another translation says “eat”.

In class we have argued the translation of the world “Akalt” into consume. Then I lifted my wounded arm to my mouth and began to consume myself The story specifically strikes you by it very closing line:

With no spoilers here: the story speaks about a globalized arab world in which it is controlled by a force to consume. His kafkaesque style is very grabbling and mind blowing. We immediately fell in love with the story. In our “Globalization and Global culture” class we took a novel called “The Committee” by an Egyptian writer called Sun’Allah Ibrahim. I always knew subconsciously that I would do some kind of art project with it I just didn’t know what. You know how you find a pile of receipts gathered in your wallet or purse? Well, I just happened to reposition those into a drawer of mine until it became a habit. It is not that I had planned it, it just happened like this. For the past couple of years I’ve had developed this weird habit of collecting receipts.